Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Unclosed Desires

Something I don't want to remember is my past.
Something that I wish I didn't do is my past.
Something that I wish I didn't start is my past.

When my past is my lesson, I don't want to repeat it.
When my past is my nitemare, I want to feel secure for the present and ofcourse for the future.
When my present and my future is you,
I just want you to understand how much I feel unsecure for what I choose.

I know you've suffered.
I know you too feel unsecure.
I know I test you a lot.
I know you hate me for what i've done.
I know.

I want you to reconcile the violence in my heart.
I want you to recognize my beauty is not just a mask.
If it does, my bad.
I want you to exorcise the demons from my past.
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart.

If this keep bugging you, then I leave.
If this keep annoying you, then I leave.
If this make you stop loving me, then I leave.
If this make you starting hate me harder than before,
May I leave?

Don't tell me I never warn you to don't fallen love.
Don't tell me I never warn you that i'm a good girl in my version.
Don't tell me I didn't stop you before.
Don't tell me, now is all my fault.
But tell everyone, I'm a wild rose.

If be with you satisfied your unclosed desires,
Then I be with you.
If be with you, make you look like a winner,
Then I be with you.
If be with you, pay everything you have done,
Then I be with you.
If be with you, make you feel this is what you want,
Then I be with you.

I grant my words, but my unclosed desires will remain hate.
Not hating you, but myself.. because I never try to stop hardly before.
I never try to avoiding you before.
I treat you nicely because I think you will make my day even better.
You treat me like a Princess, I appreciate like hell.
And I will give you a Princess that you will never wish to have for.

Congratulations, you change me.
The words,
The action,
You did it.
You are the BMW.
Congratulations, you have me now.

Keep in your minds,
FOREVER never exist.