Ok kengkawan.
I'm not so expert in this thing of make up. But at least i want to share how i hide my mata sepet using the magic of make up. Okayh?
Then, 1st of all..
We all Asian have small eyes. Tapi kebanyakan orang melayu jarang ada mata sepet.
Mata haku tak lah boleh di panggil sepet..atau tak boleh pun di panggil Ramli.
Mata aku macam sleepy eyes? Or my eye lids is too lower at the corner of my eyes. (
eh ape campur campur bahasa niyh?)
Don't be so down if korang ada mata tak sebulat Selena Gomez sebab.. legend macam Marilyn Monroe mata beliau sangat stim kengkadang macam mata daku jugaklahhh. >___<"
See? How proud she is showing those beautiful sleepy eyes.
But you know lah Malay people. They really feel so weird and said such a thing to you. (to you yang ada mata sepet)
I know how its feel because i had very lower eyelids..and its been a year i figure it out how to hide 'em.
Before this i heard a lot of name for me.
"Mata stimm"
"Mata sepet.."
"Mata kuyu.."
"Eh, kau ngantok enh?"
"Boleh bukak mata besar sikit?"
Haha. But i get immune with that.
This is Anugerah from my dearest God. I might not be in this cute if i don't have those sleepy, droopy eyes. *
suddenly getting confident.
So, which one of your eyes shape?
Letsssssss begin..!
1. Circle lenses
I promise this step will help you instantly make your eyes look bigger. Try pick natural color like brown, dark or warm color. And take the size over than 14mm.
2. Fake lashes
Ada banyak jenis bulu mata palsu. Jangan tersalah pilih sebab kalau yang heavy sangat akan buat mata korang nampak lebih redup daripada redup nye pepohon lalang.
- * pilih yang look natural
- * tak terlalu tebal
- * tak terlalu panjang sebab mata asia pendek je, kalau panjang lepas dah pakai akan jadi ke bawah. Not good.
E12 is better.
Ok kalau jumpa yang macam niyh lagi sangat bagus.
Why this?
* The beginning and the end of the lashes is short, while the middle is long. Its help to wide up your end of eyelids.
So sebelum beli or pakai tu.. tengok betul tak criteria lashes yang korang pilih.
3. Apply mascara
Ok, niyh untuk yang tak nak pakai bulu mata palsu atau nak apply mascara before wear that fake lashes.
Ada banyak banyak banyak jenis bulu mata. Pendek and Panjang etc etc or Lurus ke bawah atau sangat curl. Betul?
1. Panjang dan tidak terlalu lurus ke bawah |
Untuk jenis number 1 niyh,
JANGAN SESEKALI apply mascara yang tebal dekat hujung mata.
I repeat, don't double the coat of your mascara at the end of your eye lashes.
Kalau sekali lalu boleh lah. Tapi bukan bina bulu mata tu sampai dia nampak panjang.
Bila dia panjang, dia akan ke bawah. Even korang dah curl kan dengan pengepit bulu mata, sometimes it doesn't work. So better avoid.
2. Pendek atau sebaris sama pendek |
Untuk jenis number 2 niyh,
4. Eyeliner
Whatever type of cat eyeliner, it will work on your droopy eyes.
Eyeliner betul tapi kening errrr untuk mata labuh |
AVOID THIS! - Why you should avoid this?
Ok, sesetengah pendapat mengatakan (cheewah) kalau kita draw an eyeliner all around the eyes or macam arabic style make up, very dark and garang or galak maybe? Akan menampak kan mata kita lagi besar?
But it WRONG! for droopy eyes. TOTALLY AVOID THIS.
Just give you example. Kim Kardash niyh, mata dia almond kan or tak lah sepet or labuh, betul?
So kenape mata dia nampak kecik in this kind of teknik? Full eyeliner or make 'em full smokeyyyy.
So please be creative to choose your eyeliner drawing/eye shadows.
Be creative, don't be stupid.
5. Eyebrows
The right kening for mata sepet |
Kening. Ramai orang abaikan perkara niyh.
Most of us think we can simply create any shape of the eyebrows.
Hujung kening untuk mata labuh tidak boleh terlalu jarak dengan hujung mata.
Nanti akan menghasil efek space yang banyak dan sekali dua kali atau berkali kali gus nampak seperti labuh di hujung mata.
Untuk mata sepet, labuh or stim semacam adalah sangat tidak betul jika kening anda :
- * Nipis / Terlalu nipis
- * Terlalu ke bawah or macam kening badut. Tahu?
- * Panjang sampai ke telinga kengkadang.
Look beauty on normal eyes but not for us...Sepetan eyes. |
1. Ketebalan yang betul. |
2. Panjang kening yang betul. |
6. Eye makeup
- * Not heavy make up on an eyelids.
- * Try put some white eyeliner at the bottom.
- * Choose safe color.
I totally love how she create the intense of bigger eyes. Awesome!
*only for bigger eyes not for bigger boooobs. Haha. |
7. Lower lashes
Last last idea is coat your lower lashes with mascara. I don't think its necessary to put the fake one. It will be fine just using your mascara. Practice make perfect you know.
Hah! Done with my tricks. Ok, saje nak share.. What i do for my eyes.
Kalau rase macam ajaran sesat, jangan ikut. Ok?
Ok, See you later!
p/s : None of those picture is mine. I just borrow it from Google. Damm Google make me steal it from sumone without permission. Hihi =P